Kagoshima Glamping YOSHIZORA かごしまぐらんぴんぐ よしぞら

Enjoy a cozy glamping experience featuring stunning views of nature and meals with carefully selected ingredients.

This luxurious camping area is in the lush Yoshino Park, which sits on a plateau overlooking Sakurajima.
The expansive grounds have dome-type and square cabin-type accommodations, each equipped with air conditioning (heating and cooling), a refrigerator, a shower room and a full range of amenity goods.
The terrace offers ample space to enjoy a barbecue or dine on the menu of special French dishes made using ingredients sourced in Kagoshima Prefecture. 
Choose from the many activities available or enjoy things at your own pace.

Accommodations with views of Sakurajima

Basic Information

Address 892-0871 鹿児島県鹿児島市吉野町7955県立吉野公園内
Access 25 minutes by car from Kagoshima Chuo Station
Telephone Number 099-294-9075


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